Does Your Wedding Business Need A Blog In 2021?

If you listened to my #KJstudyhall chat on Clubhouse with Tristyn from Sipsy Ink earlier this month, you know already that blogging is an important part of your wedding business marketing strategy. Tristyn is a copywriter for wedding pros and shared some great points. She was kind enough to let me borrow from her post and expand on the topic below.


Contrary to what you’ve heard, blogs aren’t dead.


For some of you that might be a bummer to hear. I know wedding pros are prone to avoiding blogging, for various reasons.

Raise your hand if any of this sounds familiar:⁠⁠


Do you avoid blogging because you barely know how to use your website's back end? ⁠⁠



Do you slide blogging to the end of your to-do list because you hate writing? ⁠⁠



Is your blog just an extended portfolio filled with real weddings? ⁠⁠

Listen, I’ve been blogging professionally for many ears now — and personally for years before that. I love blogging and writing, but even I can find reasons to procrastinate and delay new blog posts. ⁠⁠⁠



KJ’s Guide To Wedding Biz Blog Planning

Get 200+ post topics, 8-step writing guide, promo checklist and more


The truth is, if you're not blogging regularly, you're doing your business a huge disservice. ⁠⁠

Especially if you're new to the wedding industry!


⁠Blogging is perfect for newbies because you can prove your expertise and style, while you're still building up your portfolio. ⁠⁠

Regardless of what stage you're at in business, blogging is an important part of your marketing strategy and here’s why:


It might seem like a lot of work to get new leads, but sharing your blog content across social media is a simple way to get potential clients and your existing network engaging with your content. Not to mention, following links and calls to action to your website, where you’re more likely to be capturing leads.

More importantly, potential clients —the ones not following you yet— are finding wedding inspiration on Instagram, and Pinterest, but 92% of global internet users rely on Google for searching. And guess who searches? Those who are ready to buy.

A blog for your wedding business with great content, as well as keywords, and a consistent schedule for posting helps with SEO. (SEO = Search Engine Optimization) Great SEO is going to tell Google that you’re the right option when you’re Ideal Client are searching.

Every new post you write gives you a chance to target certain keywords, even specific venues that your Ideal Client might be looking at. Those keywords tell Google what your post is about. (Keyword = the word or words that describe the content of a web page best.)

When you blog on a regular basis for your wedding business, you are constantly giving Google updates for your website. And that keeps you relevant to people searching for wedding pros, vendors, and venues near you.

When the time rolls around for your dream clients to start researching which wedding pros they’ll choose for their team, you’ll be popping up on the first page of Google. Don’t we all want that?


Okay Tristyn and Krista, what about Instagram and Facebook? What’s wrong with them? Absolutely nothing.

Instagram and Facebook are key elements of a fantastic marketing strategy for your wedding business. But they’re not the only game in town. There are a couple of hang ups surrounding them that we want to chat about.

You’ve probably heard this again and again lately from marketing experts: You could lose your followers and your social content for any number of reasons. You don’t own your content on social media platforms. And that means you’ll always be subjected to any updates they make — like when Instagram got rid of their chronological feed.

As long as you keep up with your annual payment, you own your website and the content you post. So consistently posting on your blog with great SEO practices means that you’ll continue showing up on Google’s search results pages, even when Instagram or Facebook are driving us bonkers.

When was the last time you checked your website analytics to track where your web traffic comes from? Are you getting as much traction as you hoped from the channels where you’re spending most of your efforts?

Social media platforms fade in and out. Remember what a big deal MySpace was? Facebook killed MySpace, and now we’re seeing the shift of attention from Facebook to Instagram and now TikTok. 

Keeping all of your eggs in one basket, and focusing mainly on Instagram means that you’ll fall victim to all of the algorithm changes. Remember the huge nosedive organic traffic on Insta took in 2017? Or, you’ll have to always study up on how to use new features, like reels. That’s totally fine if social media is your thing, but we think it’s best to use social media and keep up with a blog to boost your SEO.

That way you’ll never lose out on reaching your Ideal Clients when things inevitably start to change. 


⁠⁠If blogging is an annoying and painful process for you, you’re probably doing it wrong. You just need a super simple strategy. Everything’s easier with a roadmap, right? Set aside time to batch the tasks and get it done!

And I'm laying it all out for you in my jam-packed freebie:

This is the biggest guide I’ve ever created, filled with simple and helpful strategy to blog for your wedding business.



KJ’s Guide To Wedding Biz Blog Planning

Get 200+ post topics, 8-step writing guide, promo checklist and more


With "KJ's Guide To Wedding Biz Blog Planning"⁠⁠ you can:⁠⁠

  • figure out how often to post⁠⁠⁠⁠

  • ditch writer's block with 150 post topic ideas⁠⁠⁠⁠

  • plan a year of content with a quarterly calendar⁠⁠

  • 8-step guide to write each post⁠⁠

  • 12-point checklist to promote your post and turn your blog in to a content factory⁠⁠⁠⁠

You’ll have a content calendar filled with relevant blog posts and social media captions to impress your Ideal Client in no time.



While social media is an important part of your wedding biz marketing strategy, they mostly take their place in a client’s journey before they buy. Facebook and Instagram are awesome tools that can be used for brand awareness. That’s where potential clients can see more of your shooting style if you’re a photographer, or your vision if you’re a wedding planner, or your interior decor if you’re a wedding venue. 

When it comes to actually booking vendors, a client heads over to Google to research before they put down their deposit. 

And if you’re not showing up there, they won’t book with you.Real growth and revenue comes from posting consistently to your blog and keeping up with excellent SEO practices. That way Google puts you at the top of their search page. 

Blogging doesn’t have to be the most annoying task on your wedding business to-do list. This is an important free marketing strategy you should absolutely be taking advantage of. Get my guide and get started today!

Or, maybe you know you’ve got to refresh your business blog and keep up with fresh content, but you absolutely don’t have the time. Throw some money at that problem!

Reach out to wedding industry copywriter Tristyn at Sipsy Ink and inquire about her blog writing services today.


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