10 Must Haves For Your Wedding Planner Emergency Kit

As wedding planners, we've got a lot of tricks up our sleeves.  Most importantly, our wedding day emergency kits!

Whether you're packing up for a wedding day coordination or full planning, or a photo shoot, chances are you’re hauling an arsenal that rivals even Mary Poppins' magic carpetbag. And if you’re not, then you’ve got some shopping to do.

My wedding day emergency kit has certainly grown over the last nine years.

I used to keep everything in a simple black Herschel Supply Co. backpack. I liked that it was handsfree while I ventured all over a wedding venue or property. With multiple sections and pockets I can keep things sorted easily. The backpack only method eventually became a mess of loosely categorized Ziploc bags.

Nowadays, my wedding day “tool kit” has expanded considerably.


My #1 must have: a fanny pack.


Hands-free is key! On wedding days, I carry a fanny pack at all times with the essentials. Get the links for 5 of my faves, right here.

My trusty backpack still holds my most frequently used tools such as scissors, tape, extra Kleenex and a sewing kit. I’ll stash the personal items I’m asked for most often. This is also where I keep my files and clipboard in transit.

Then, I usually have one or two bins with bulkier items or some “just in case” pieces, that usually stays in the car until it’s needed. Better safe than sorry stuff, like extension cords, hammers, and so on. I’d rather not lug the lesser used items all over the building or property. But it’s still important to have them with me on event days.

I also keep a stash of 10 to 15 white and clear umbrellas in my car on wedding days. Particularly helpful when the forecast calls for rain — or surprises us entirely — simple matching umbrellas are a much better fit in case they wind up in wedding photos. You can buy them in sets on Amazon.

You don’t need a massive rolling toolkit like I see some wedding planners hyping up on Facebook groups. Personally, I think they’re too bulky and look out of place on-site once reception begins. Those enormous rolling kits can’t be tucked discreetly under your vendor table in the wedding reception space. You want to be able to move easily and quickly, to swoop in and save the day. Likewise with toolbelts specifically for wedding planners. A simple black fanny pack will do. Save your money for quality tools.


Today I’m sharing my top ten wedding day must haves for your wedding day emergency kit:


Sure everyone has their go-to bag, bin, or toolkit to carry all their wedding day tools, but a fanny pack is the ultimate must have. These handy little guys are perfect to carry all your essentials and keep you hands free while you run the show. Usually mine is loaded with important personal items like my car keys, phone, lip balm, credit card and ID, and some cash for parking or whatever. Then I throw in a few more essentials from the list below, like my small sharp scissors.

See which fanny pack is my all time fave for wedding day, right here.


Chances are your couple has completely forgotten to give their rings a clean for the big day. No problem! Surprise and impress them —and the photographer— by shining up those diamonds for their photo op with a ring cleaning pen. This is also a must have for your flat lay styling kit.

Canadian link / American link


Scissors sound like a no-brainer, but the key to these fishing scissors is their super fine tip. This pair is perfect for delicate situations and squeezing in to small spaces for all sorts of décor emergencies. Plus, they'll fit neat and tidy in your fanny pack. Beyond a small pair, you’ll need a regular pair of every day scissors, and I also recommend fabric scissors, for ribbon and other textiles.

Canadian link / American link


You're going to save the day when a bus filled with a nervous —or inebriated— wedding party is melting after their outdoor photo session. Spray deodorant is perfect for sharing! Watch how fast it gets passed around when everybody wants a refresh. Also helpful — but a little bit harder to find in Canada — deodorant wipes.


Double-sided foam tape comes in handy again and again for mounting signs and more. But while I’m mentioning it, you're going to want a roll of every kind of tape on the market: simple Scotch tape, clear packing tape, duct tape, electrical tape, hem tape and more!


When you have 300 votive candles to light during atight room flip, just any old dollar store lighter will not do. Invest in a few heavy duty lighters from the hardware store. You're going to want a reliable flame and the bendy end that can change angles, to avoid burns from always lighting from above. Even better, they’re refillable so they should last more than one season.

Canadian Link / American Link


Inevitably, someone is going to get a blister, or some sort of boo boo and come calling for bandages. Get an assorted pack so you can handle issues big and small. And definitely keep a few in your fanny pack. That way you can just hand it over right away, instead of running off to find your full kit.


If you're a mom, chances are you've already discovered that baby wipes are amazing for wiping a lot more than butts. Whether they're baby wipes, or basic Wet Wipes, these will come in handy for cleaning up smudges, messes, or sticky spots, again and again. I remember vividly a wedding day where the bride tried to touch up her bold red lipstick, leaving it smudged on her hands and she was worried about getting it on her gown. Immediately I handed over a wet wipe, and I could see that she was relieved and impressed.


If I had a dollar for every time I got asked for tampons on a wedding day! 100% someone is going to be surprised by their period and did not pack the essentials in their cute little clutch. No worries, your endless bag of tricks should have tampons. Good ones! Save a bridesmaid from scrounging up change for the awful ones in the bathroom dispenser, or sending her significant other on the hunt.


Don't worry about brand name, you can —and you should— stock up on mini tissue packs at the dollar store. You're going to be handing it out like beads at Mardi Gras before the ceremony and speeches. Good for blotting tears as well as sweat in the blazing sun.


  • Pens

  • Envelopes - for divvying out tips, last minute payments and so on

  • Sharpie marker

  • Granola bars - for me, when I forget to eat, or a light-headed bride in need of a sugar rush

  • Hand sanitizer

  • White pipe cleaners - I use these once in a while for bustling a wedding gown, tying back drapery and who knows what else

  • Breath mints

  • Tylenol

  • Tums

  • Simple cake knife - in case the venue brings out something ugly, or a couple forgets an heirloom knife

  • Sewing kit - if I had a dollar for every time I had to stitch a gown or reattach a button in the middle of a wedding reception

  • Safety pins

  • Extension cords - never know when you might need to plug in or extend your reach

  • Utility knife

  • Phone chargers - for Apple and other brands

  • Rain poncho

  • Mini umbrella

  • Garbage bags

  • Tide Pen - for stains

  • Basic first aid kit

  • Flashlight

  • Bobby pins & hairspray

  • Nail file & clippers

  • Q-tips

  • Hammer

  • Pliers

  • Clamps - big and small

  • Tools - some simple toolkits from your dollar store will do, but eventually you might want to upgrade



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Being based in Canada, I typically load up on essential tools at Canadian Tire and Home Depot. Then I like to browse Dollarama regularly to restock, as well as Shoppers Drugmart or Walmart to find personal items on sale.


To recap, I keep important personal items on me at all times in my fanny pack, such as my phone, keys, ID, and credit card. In my wedding day fanny pack, I also carry small essential tools such as a pen, bandages, tissues, fishing scissors, and bobby pins.

In my backpack, I carry my files for the day along with my clipboard and itinerary. Along with some other important items like the rest of my top 10 must haves, as well as the more commonly used and small compact lighter items. I organize similar items in zippered cases, mesh pencil cases or clear plastic containers like Tupperware from the dollar store are great because I can see what’s in them with out having to open the container. Ziplock bags don’t hold up very long.

Larger, heavier, bulky items that are helpful to have with me but not essential to grab really quickly will typically stay in my car in one or two plastic tote bins.

I usually do a big shop at the beginning of the season to stock up, and ideally have my assistant sort and organize things with me so we both know where most of it is stashed away. Then I’ll check again through out wedding season, and restock quickly as needed. You don’t want to forget to restock an important item and wind up with out it on your next wedding day.

There you have it, my all time faves to pack for wedding day. Is your emergency kit missing a few of these goodies? 


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